Are Your Colors Costing you Sales?

You have about 8-10 seconds online to grab attention and convince a new visitor to stay.

These snap-decisions are influenced primarily by color, imagery and design (because our brains process visuals 60,000x faster than copy).

Want to out-perform your competitors and get more conversions ? It's time to get serious about the role your visuals play in the most important 8-10 seconds in your business...

Want more Sales? Check your Colours.

Tap into the power of Colour Psychology to instantly boost your Sales

Sometimes it’s the simple stuff we overlook that can have the biggest impact. The MOST powerful marketing tool you’ve got to quickly and predictably increase your sales is FREE and probably something you’ve mostly ignored.


Introducing Colours that Convert.

This quick-start course is designed specifically for Founders like you who are always on the lookout for small ways to have a big impact on results.

In this short, wildly useful course you'll learn how to use the most important tricks in color psychology to make small, but impactful changes to your website that will help you connect with your audience and instantly boost trust and sales online.

Did you know that up 92% of purchasing decisions are based on colour alone?

Colour psychology is a scientifically proven strategy that can help you create a website that resonates with your target audience, creates more predictable behaviors (like increasing your conversion rates)... and the best part?

When you have an expert guide to follow: you don't need to be a designer or have any special skills to use colour psychology effectively.

Here’s what you’ll learn...


The Psychology behind Colour.

Learn the working basics of colour psychology and how to choose colours that create an immersive online experience that actually makes people feel the way you intend.


How to Use Colour Strategically

Discover how individual colours, and more importantly, specific colour groups, work together to increase (or decrease) the likelihood of the behaviors you want your ideal client to take (click, like, buy, review etc.)


Fixing Common Mistakes

Learn how to avoid the most common colour blunders to ensure your website is shoppable, skimmable and is instantly building (instead of comprising) trust and affinity.


How to Guide Your Audience

Learn how to use colour to direct your audience's attention to your most important places and ideas on your website.


Create More Visual Appeal

Discover the essential ingredients to using colour to create a website that is visually appealing and easy to navigate.


Unlock the Power of Images

Learn how to use the right images (with the right colours) to your advantage (and ditch the wrong ones) so that your website is more likely to encourage purchase, referral and repeat purchase.



All the tips inside this quick but powerful course can be implemented in just a few hours, and once they’re live, the impact on your sales can be instant.

The more existing web traffic you have, the faster you’ll see the results kick-in.

What Students Say:

"We implemented Nic’s color advice and immediately saw a positive impact.

We changed our slides for keynote and virtual lectures and my wardrobe for stage and TV. We immediately saw a positive impact in attention and engagement."


"I felt so totally lost when I was starting.

Then I found Nic and it was like someone upgraded me to First Class for free and everything was SO much easier!"

- Leslie: FIRESIDE

"Color Psychology is AMAZING! I've tried to understand and use it myself and just spent hours googling with no result.

I was speechless when I discovered my Seaside personality type and colors. It's so aligned with what we are doing - it's SO me - it's PERFECT! And so fast and uncomplicated too!"

- Emily: SEASIDE

The Best Part?

You don't need to hire a designer or spend a ton of money to make these changes.

This isn’t a full rebrand, just a few simple tweaks that can have HUGE impact on your sales (without having a huge impact on your costs!)

With this program, you'll have everything you need to make these tweaks yourself or hand them off to anyone on your team, so you can start seeing results straight away.


But wait, there's more!

Grab Colors that Convert NOW and you'll also receive a bonus guide on how to choose the perfect fonts to support the color psychology website (yup, they are connected).

This guide will help you choose a font that is both visually appealing and easy to read, but that also appeals to your ideal client, further supporting the visual harmony and feelings of trust and desire you've created with color.

** Includes DOZENS of free Google Font recommendations and pairings, grouped by personality type.

Listen, I get it.

Even though I was a graphic designer, when I started my first business in 2004 I was basically clueless about how to use color and create instant trust and more sales online.

Back then we had use complicated, pro-level software to build websites (remember Dreamweaver!?). Now it's SO much easier to sell online. These advances mean you can focus your time and money on the tweaks that ACTUALLY make a difference to increase sales - instead of getting bogged-down in lines of code just to get live.

Now, nearly 20 years later I have built several successful businesses (in the US and UK) and I have become an absolute expert in the psychology of what makes us buy (on and offline). I created this course to offer super accessible answers the most common questions I get asked when business owners and marketers find out I'm a Color Consultant.

My hope is that you'll grab this crazy deal, implement it right away, make loads of money as a result, and then come find me for a custom Rebrand or an intensive VIP day when you're ready to take your life & business to the next level.

Have fun with it and don't forget: color is energy and just like music, you can really FEEL IT when it is in harmony!

xx - Nic